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craft A strategY that matters
And Unite Your Team Behind High-Impact DecisionsDIAGNOSIS – OPPORTUNITIES – DECISIONS – ACTION
Great Point is a strategy and stakeholder intelligence consultancy serving mission-driven organizations and initiatives.
“We developed the first ever strategy for Helsinki Events Foundation together with Jaakko. The process was the best I have experienced. Jaakko’s understanding of how the strategy of the City of Helsinki should steer the strategy work of the Events Foundation was sharp. The final result respects our independence, yet reflects the will of the owner. Joy and Wow are our way!”
“Our strategy process was successful and even received praise. I have only good things to say about your services and your expertise within this project – I especially want to thank you for being persistent regarding your view of what a good strategy should look like while being flexible with all issues.”
“Management Events is in the business of reinventing global executive networking. We’ve been utilizing Jaakko’s services, both on the content and strategic fronts, for years. To him, there seems to be little difference between the two: the content work always supports the strategy, and the strategy work always aims to communicate.”
Can be done in a week to address a pressing challenge. Two workshops and some polishing and you are done.
Includes thorough interviews with key stakeholders, a questionnaire to staff and several workshops with management and board to align the whole organization behind the strategic decisions.
We will also do a thorough analysis of the environment, expand the reach among the stakeholders and ensure accountability by designing impact metrics.

Before you move, you must know the terrain. Most strategy processes start with the gathering of stakeholder intelligence. It consist of personal interviews, focus groups and surveys. The understanding gained is then refined into insights that guide the strategy work.
And when you move, keep checking your bearings. A strategy has impact only if your stakeholders think so. Gathering stakeholder intelligence should be a frequent exercise.

Our Services

Believe me, I know your pain
I became a strategy believer the day I saw something we had called a strategy crash and burn at an organization I was leading. The firm entered a perfect storm of unfortunate circumstances. We could not have avoided the storm itself but we could have looked at the signs much more carefully and made choices to prepare. Instead of using the rigor and creativity a good strategy requires, we’d just filled in the blanks in a strategy template.
Every time I sit down with a client to help them with their strategy I remember that storm and what a strategy should be and what it should not be.
Fortunately I have been involved with many successful strategies, as one of the designers and as an executor. Very often the elements of success include spotting a change or a need out in the world, finding and making the choices to seize the opportunity, and creating content to communicate our will and our approach.
Often the executive or the board know well that they need a solid strategy and great stakeholder content but don’t have the time. When the world pulls you into a million directions, strategy and content work are a pain, not just to get done, but to get done right,
If you can’t put in the hours or don’t have the expertise to come up with a good strategy or strategic content, you should turn to outside help. That’s what Great Point is for.
– Jaakko Tapaninen, founder

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